Friday, October 29, 2010

Carving Pumpkin Fun....

So yeah I know we are getting a late start on this but finally last night we carved pumpkins with the kids.

Gav didn't want to grab the guts with his hand so we did it 6 seeds at a time LOL...
Sayd wasn't to happy she wanted to cut the top off by herself but she needed some help from her Daddy.
She got right in there and got out all the guts...
I was helping Gav get everything out so we could start carving.


So just as I am writing this I realize that last night when Cody asked if the oven was on for a reason and I said no that I had pumpkin seeds in there. I opened the oven right now and yeah they are burned black what is wrong with me I usually don't forget things :( So much for a yummy snack. I feel like a total idiot but oh well. It was a fun night carving pumpkins and making memories we don't need pumpkin seeds LOL.


Megan said...

So cute! Macie and Connor were the same way. Macie dug right into her pumpkin, but Connor didn't want it on his hands!

Tia said...

The pumpkins look great!

morgan said...

way cute pumpkins! i hate carving pumpkins...i don't like it on my hands either! :)but yours turned out cute, maybe i'll let brielle cut one today!