Sunday, January 9, 2011

Snow Storm, Christmas and MORE (this is a long one guys)

We took the kids sledding the other day they loved it but it was so cold....

The snow was so packed it was slick Gav had a hard time climbing back up.
Cody playing a board game with the kids. I was sick in bed with Pneumonia so I tried to stay away from the family for a few days...
Christmas day when Grandpa Bart and Sheri came over and totally spoiled the kids and us. THANK YOU GUYS.
Sayd wanted a baby dressed like Santa and a DS game she was surprised when she got both.
The only thing Gavin ask for was a DS and he loves it. Sayd thinks its not fair that Gav got one with a Camera I guess times just change. That will probably be what she wants for her Birthday now.

Tearing into their first presents I just love seeing the excitement on their faces.
This is from before they woke us up at 3am. We did make them wait till 5am to open presents thank goodness. All in all it was a great day with lots of fun.
Christmas P.J.'s
We went up to Gramzo's for Christmas Eve dinner it was awesome it was like Thanksgiving all over again.

The kids just chill'n' in the big chair.

Family Time you just can't ask for anything better..
The kids sure love their Gram and Ross.....
After building our big snowman Gavin didn't want to come in so he was throwing a FIT...
Our snowman turned out pretty good if you ask me.

The process of building our snowman.
Good one GAV.
Good thing we have a strong Daddy to roll the snowman Mommy couldn't even make it roll once it got to a certain point.
Cody plowed the driveway the day it snowed over a foot cause my car was stuck. The kids loved playing on the snow pile.
Sayd showed Gav how to make their own snowman. They did it all on their own and it turned out pretty good..
Poor little dirty truck.

The dog and cat didn't even know what to do with all the snow.
This day Cody didn't have work cause the power went out all over town and the surrounding towns we were in the dark for hours...
This pictures was actually taken in the pitch dark my camera just wouldn't capture it without the flash so it made it look different. The funny thing is the only thing you could see is their faces squished together playing their game. When I looked at the picture is was just so cute...


Tia said...

I'm glad you finally updated your blog. I was wondering when you were going to get your Christmas post up. Looks like you guys are having lots of fun in all the SNOW!

Hey check out you can print your blog and turn it into a book. I am doing mine year by year and I started from when I started my blog.

Love Ya

morgan said...

Looks and sounds like you all had a wonderful Christmas. I love the snowman..I honestly can't remember the last time I've made one! You have such a cute family!