Wednesday, October 29, 2008


A. People who are tagged need to post these rules, and 8 random habits/facts/quirks about themselves.
B. At the end of the post you need to choose 8 people to get tagged and list their names.


  1. I am weird about having shoes and socks on in the house usually right when I walk in I kick off my shoes and most of the time take off my socks.
  2. I love to use coupons with sales and see how cheap I can get everyday things that we use.
  3. I love to go to yard sales with family.
  4. I don't like to take my kids out unless they match and have their hair done. Not even in the yard.
  5. I like to shop but every time I spend money that I might not have needed to I get a really bad headache.
  6. Taking pictures I do it all the time and I take a lot but when it comes to deleting some there is no way. I keep every picture even if there are 4 that look almost the same.
  7. I have a very soft heart if I see a homeless person and I am with Cody or my Dad I have to stop and get them something to eat or give them a little money. Even if they don't need it at least you feel better in your heart.
  8. I snuggle up in a warm blanket even when it is 100 degrees outside. I guess this is just a comfort thing I have always done it and probably always will.


  • Tia
  • Tiffanie
  • Grandma
  • Tawnia
  • Jessica
  • and anyone else that wants to do it