Tuesday, December 9, 2008


So recently we had to start feeding our cats Meika and Dora inside because if we don't the neighbor cats come and eat all of the food. The neighbors to our west have like ten and I swear they don't feed them because they end up over here everyday. The only thing they have to hear is our cats crying for their food and they come running. At one point we were paying out more to feed our 2 cats then to feed our big Chocolate Lab. Well anyways Gavin loves when the cats come in to eat he lays on the floor and watches them. Today he was just petting Dora and saying she is so soft. He was all worried about his cat Meika because she ran and hid behind the computer desk she is quite sneaky. We got her when she was really little 7 weeks old she is a pure Siamese and she grew up as a house cat. We were told that Siamese cats don't shed that is false so she got booted outside. Dora the all black kitty is one of Meika's babies. Beings that Meika grew up in this house she knows where to go and hide from us usually if you yell Meika outside she runs to the door but not today. I think that because it snowed a little she was trying to stay in.